You need an astute, discreet advisor in these bizarre times. (Not more groupthink BS from the Consulting Cabal.)
CEOs are dealing with insane levels of Tech hype and bloat, non-stop personnel issues and dramas, ridiculous amounts of political pressure from the Board and other pesky ‘outsiders’ … and crazy amounts of noise related to the global agendas being pushed.
I have a distinctly unique set of skills, experiences and practices to help you, and your executive team, thrive amidst this chaos.
Not my fav option, but we can use hourly consulting (video) calls for targeted support with Tech vendor selection, reviewing strategy documents, brainstorming negotiations and political dramas, etc.
Let's formulate a time-bounded project plan for a specific project, initiative, or (e.g. quarterly) objective for you and/or your team.
I'd love to come and spend the day (or days) with you and/or your team! I'm delighted to go deep into the weeds on a key software project, vendor selection process, or organizational change initiative.
The Mindset Behind the Models
Power v Force
The energetics of getting what you want.
Tools ‘n Tech
All models are wrong; some are useful.
The Drama Triangle
Are you the rescuer, victim or perpetrator?
Connecting Deeply
Build your (teams’) adversity quotient.
Transcend Duality
It’s not about you, or is it all about you?
I help CEOs deal with their most pressing technology, strategy and organizational issues.
Most recently, I was a Managing Vice President at Gartner, leading the team of industry analysts who help clients with their software design and development strategies. Then I ran for City Council in NYC in 2023, to raise awareness about the devastating decline in our quality of life in Manhattan since the 2020 (unlawful) lockdowns, 2021 and 2022 (draconian) mandates and the madness since.
I earned my Engineering degree from Cornell, my MBA from MIT Sloan, and have spent my career in the Tech industry. I’ve raced dozens of marathons, triathlons and have become an avid CrossFitter.
I don’t follow ‘orders’; I think for myself and know how to help CEOs exit the matrix, taking their company with them, to higher levels of consciousness and performance.
Think it can’t be done?! Don’t believe everything you think.
Heretical thoughts, uncancellable, in your Inbox…