2x2 box labeled Tools and Tech


“All models are wrong; some are useful”, the smart and self-aware industry analysts will admit. I say ‘admit’ because they’re in the business of creating models, and yet we all know that none of them are right all of the time for every client in any circumstance.

How do you make decisions?  Do you apply “a model”, albeit quickly - almost instinctively - in your mind? Do you select technology (vendors) using someone else’s model??

Consider the model from this book, “Decisive”, WRAP:

  • Widen your options (rather than narrow framing)

  • Reality-test assumptions (avoid confirmation bias)

  • Attain distance (avoid short-term focus)

  • Prepare to be wrong (watch for overconfidence)

I was truly surprised to see how many CIOs and other execs don’t know negotiation basics (BATNA!) or follow a model like the above to ward off terrible outcomes before spending millions of dollars with tech vendors…

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