You are here! Where are you? 

Well, a person is typically running around it, being chased, chasing someone else, trying to get someone into one of the roles, trying to push someone else out to take over that role, etc.

Yes, all models are wrong but some are useful; this one I discovered after leaving corporate consulting, created by Stephen Karpman, and it’s the most powerful I’ve discovered to understand work dramas (and pretty much every, messed-up interaction between people).

As the CEO, you are likely the perpetrator in many people’s minds! A particular exec in your team is imagining him/herself as the victim, hoping another colleague will rescue them from you… or a peer is the perpetrator and they desperately want you to be the rescuer.

And around and around and around we go…

P.S. Sitting is not the new smoking; victim consciousness is the new smoking (and sitting).

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