A very magickal healer in NYC told me about this book, Power vs. Force, by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., in mid 2022. After I read it, and saw him again, we were discussing the consciousness scale that Hawkins’ created…
… and at some point, I remember him saying something like “CEOs and executives have high consciousness levels”. Whaaat?
I was deep in my anti-executive phase (still hiding my dirty secret at work, of not being a Moderna nor Pfizer user), and couldn’t see what he meant; now I’ve come to a new level of awareness and appreciation for the high levels of consciousness that a wo/man acting as the CEO of a company must hold.
If you haven’t read the book, the premise is really quite simple:
Power is pure; it comes from within, from your own insight and high levels of consciousness.
If you need to resort to force, it’s based on resistance, fear and lower levels of consciousness.
Fear is what underlies most other ‘unproductive’ behaviors at work and in life: lying, cheating, manipulation and coercion, etc. In fact, it’s not hard to see that both the person who’s using force and the one being forced are both operating from a state of fear…
How much responsibility - ability to respond - are you willing to take for people in your organization using force with one another? From basic physics, we know that Power (P) is equal to Work (W) over elapsed time (^t) and can measure the rate at which work is done… but how can you ‘make’ a wo/man work more ‘powerfully’?!
It’s an acute problem right now, with executives being brainwashed by vendors to think they need all sorts of new tech to “measure productivity” (especially software developers). Many key tasks at work are tasks of intellect, emotion and/or consciousness - writing code or marketing copy, communicating sales pitches or customer service issues, etc. - and anything you do to promote “productivity” should be focused on easing the internal mental burden for the folks who need the intellect, emotional skill and consciousness level to do those tasks, powerfully.
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